Friday, November 21, 2008

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

I just got back an hour ago after two days in that cultural mecca known as Columbus, Ohio. During the drive, you get to pass through a roughly 25 mile town, which apparently was the Middle of Nowhere. I know this because there are literally no green highway signs the entire 25 miles.

I got subpeoned, which is both difficult to spell and even worse to be the victim of. At work, I'm active in the union, and this chick named Alice got fired during her three month probation period two years ago. She's suing the union for 'non-representation' and luck be a Paula tonite, my name is all over it. So I had to drive two hours to spend the night at the Best Western by the expressway, be prepped by a very smart but scary lawyer named Dick, and the next day spend eight straight hours in a courtroom, with only a half hour break, listening to testimony I could care less about, and being questioned by a lawyer, who by the way, was a very nice and smart lady, whose face was purple by the time she got done with me. And it SUCKED ASS.

The funny thing was that I had really gone to the wall for Alice and this was a real fuck you. But, you know what, I felt so much compassion for her. She looked so sad and tired. Her lawyers mispronounced her name the entire eight hours. They kept calling her Anna and when her lawyer was grilling me, I wanted to say 'hey, atleast I know how to pronounce her name right'.

And then they produce these emails as evidence of her emailing me, and claimed I never responded. The thing was, the emails had so very obviously been cut and pasted onto one sheet. And, mysteriously, the only ones on it were from her. She omitted all of my reponses, but I couldn't testify to it because i was not an "expert witness"...yeah, fine, whatever. So they ask where are my copies of the emails?, and I ofcourse don't have them because I don't keep shit, mostly because even if I keep it I can't find it when I need it anyway. For God's sake, this all happened two years ago!

So, after advocating for Alice, I was rewarded with a law suit, a trip to Columbus, one dinner, and one lunch, two days of my life i'll never get back, and I paid for my own gas. So there you have it, no good deed goes unpunished.


Anonymous said...

OY! you should have stayed with ashley & tim - or at the very least let them take you out to dinner... : )

Kitty Mommy said...

But aren't you glad that I keep EVERYTHING?

Unknown said...

hellz yeah.